Twine Bowl Tutorial

DIY twine bowl tutorialDIY twine bowl tutorialDIY twine bowl tutorialDIY twine bowl tutorial


Okay guys, so this is an easy diy but I made it awhile ago and I think it just is so pretty and simple. I didn’t take pictures during the process, but you really don’t need them to do this.

Get a bowl the size that you want your bowl to be (mine flattened a bit so just focus on the diameter that you want).

Put saran wrap around your bowl so that the twine doesn’t stick to your bowl.

Take twine and coat it in glue. I just put the glue in a bowl and saturated the twine.

Swirl your sticky twine around the bowl, making sure to overlap the twine in a bunch of different places so that the bowl is stronger.

Let this dry overnight and then peel off the saran wrap. You may have to cut any excess glue with scissors so that it looks cleaner.

VOILA! This bowl is perfect to put fruit but I also love the look of decorative pine cones! You could do anything, be creative!

XO, k


  1. October 8, 2015 / 7:49 am

    What kind of glue should i use? I love this bowl :)

    • October 8, 2015 / 10:07 am

      I just used elmer’s glue! If it is too thick you can water it down a bit I think :) Hope this helps! XO

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