^such weird perspective!!
I think it’s about time that we move to California.. It is getting too cold! I wanted to wear just this ah-mazing dress from SaboSkirt but had to cover part of it up with a knit sweater because I knew I would eventually get cold :( My hands and feet are usually in a constant state of frigidity (is that a word?) so it’s not really anything new. I remember once when Charlie and I first started dating I held his grandpa’s hand (not sure why now?.. I promise I don’t go around holding older men’s hands….) and he said “your hands are so cold! You know what they say though.. Cold hands, warm heart!” and it was the cutest thing ever. I’m pretty sure he made it up to make me feel better and he succeeded :)
This dress is seriously too much. You all know my love for white lace runs deep, but I can’t get over how pretty the nude color looks underneath it and especially on the piping. I was unsure of how the neckline/straps would look, but it is my favorite part now! I’m not sure how it would look on someone with a bigger chest but for me (and my lack of a chest) it is just right :)
Have a good weekend lovelies!
XO, k