
Ten ways to wear a head scarfTen ways to wear a head scarfTen ways to wear a head scarfTen ways to wear a head scarfTen ways to wear a head scarfTen ways to wear a head scarfTen ways to wear a head scarfTransitional outfitTen ways to wear a head scarfTen ways to wear a head scarfTen ways to wear a head scarf 



I have something to admit… I haven’t washed my hair in six days. I usually try for five days (and it is a bit too greasy even then), but yesterday I just wasn’t feelin’ it.. A major case of the hair lazies. So instead I curled it and wrapped it up..

When my hair is dirty I usually go through a list in my head. I could either:

a. put it up in a ponytail

b. wear a hat

c. wear a headscarf

d. use (lots and lots of) dry shampoo

But I will wash it today, I promise…. (I guess I don’t have much of a choice now that I just told you that)

XO, k

PS SNEAK PEEK ALERT: I filmed a video about TEN ways to wear a headscarf and it is going up on my youtube channel sometime soon (hint hint: tomorrow) as a little extra treat this week! So make sure to check that out and I will put it up on my blog as well so get excited!

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