Three Braid Crown Braid Tutorial

Crown braid tutorial


Crown braids always make me happy. They are one of my recent go-to’s because of how easy they are and no matter what kind of hair day you are having (frizzy, greasy, boring) they look good. So instead of doing my normal three strand or fishtail, I decided to do three different braids each a different size. To do this:

1. Part hair down the middle. Section one half into two more sections, one a bit larger than the other, leaving out any pieces you want unbraided. Braid these sections normally, with the side with two braids going towards your forehead, and the side with one going towards your neck. Pull them apart to the thickness you like.

2. Pin the medium braid over the top of your head.

3. Pin the largest braid around the back of your head and tuck the end under.

4. Pin the smallest braid in the front!

That is it! Simple but a super cute spin on the normal milkmaid braids.

BTW, update on my hair: We took these photos right before I redyed my hair and thanks to Christine from Moxie Fashion Blog (whose hair is so dreamy), it turned out sooo amazingly! I bleached it and then toned it with Wella Toner in T18 and am soooo obsessed with the results! Check out my instagram to see how it looks!

Hope you enjoyed! And Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

XO, k


  1. Christine Bennett
    March 17, 2015 / 10:34 am

    So cute, Kirsten! And thanks for the love! I still can’t get over how great it came out!

    • Kirsten
      March 18, 2015 / 9:24 am

      Girl, I can’t give you enough love! This is the first time my hair is exactly how I want it.. Yay!

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